Learner Outcomes
At the completion of the workshop, attendees will be able to:
* identify aspects of a medical history suggestive of possible dysphagia
* analyze a MBSS using a worksheet to identify areas of deficit
* summarize the observed deficits and formulate treatment and diet recommendations
Dysphagia World
Live Webinar: Exploring the MBS
This on-line workshop will provide access to a modified barium swallow study. The case history for each patient will be provided including medical history and reported dysphagia symptoms. The recorded modified barium swallow studies will be reviewed with a worksheet provided for analysis. The participant will complete a summary of findings, treatment and diet recommendations.
10 min case history review
20 min review MBS and complete worksheet
20 min Summary and diet/treatment recommendations
10 min Review worksheets, answer questions
No Seats Available, New Courses Coming Soon
This workshop is offered for 0.1 ASHA CEUs. Intermediate level, Professional area.