Learner Outcomes

At the completion of the workshop, attendees will be able to:

* identify aspects of a medical history suggestive of possible dysphagia

* analyze a MBSS using a worksheet to identify areas of deficit

*  summarize the observed deficits and formulate treatment and diet recommendations

Dysphagia World

Live Webinar: Exploring the MBS


This on-line workshop will provide access to a modified barium swallow study. The case history for each patient will be provided including medical history and reported dysphagia symptoms. The recorded modified barium swallow studies will be reviewed with a worksheet provided for analysis. The participant will complete a summary of findings, treatment and diet recommendations.


10 min      case history review

20 min      review MBS and complete worksheet

20 min      Summary and diet/treatment recommendations

10 min      Review worksheets, answer questions

No Seats Available, New Courses Coming Soon     

This workshop is offered  for  0.1 ASHA CEUs.  Intermediate level,   Professional area.


Download Forms

Exploring the MBS Analysis Worksheet

Exploring the MBS Evaluation Form

ASHA CEU Participant Form

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